Proper way to wear Traditional Cap | Gilgit Baltistan

Do you know how to wear Traditional Cap of Gilgit Baltistan?

If you don’t know, then today I am going to tell you about the proper way to wear the traditional cap. As you know that the below cap is the traditional cap of Gilgit Baltistan, Most of you familiar with it.

This cap is mostly wear on the different occasion in Gilgit Baltistan by the male members of the society. Such as in Wedding ceremony, the groom wears this cap. Moreover, people use to wear this often without the feather known as Taj (gamburi). This Feather is very rare, and people of Gilgit Baltistan only attach this feather with cap on special events.

I even notice that most of the time youth wear the cap in improper way, like many times I seen that, the feather (taj or Gamburi) they attach on the right hand side of the cap which is not a traditional way to attach it. Like for example as below picture shows that the way to wear the traditional cap is improper according to the words of mouth of our elders.

The gamburi (taj) should be on the left hand side in line with the left eye, the proper way to wear it. In the wedding ceremonies you always seen that the groom wears the cap and the Taj (gamburi) is on the left hand side in line with the left eye. While trying to identifying the reason, I just had a conversation with an elder person of our society, he said” the reason behind it is that, everything that portray or giving representation of something that is always display on the left hand side. Such as the Army medal they are also displayed on the left hand side. To wear traditional cap is to have honor, so please wear it in a proper way. Like our elder’s wears. I will show you some of the pictures where people wear the cap in its proper way as define by our elders.

I hope this will give some knowledge about the culture and its related items.

thankyou :)

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